Image/s credit: Unitree Robotics.

Unitree H1: A Speedy Humanoid, Not Just on Legs but All-Around

Creator: Unitree

Country: China

Year: 2023


Unitree's first general-purpose humanoid, Unitree H1, is captivating everyone with impressive speed, dynamic stunts, & advanced movements

Status: Prototype, In development

Operation: Autonomous

Robot Type / Domain: Multi/General-Purpose

Tasks: General-Purpose, Traverse Complex Terrains and Environments

Whimsical Intro (by addoobot)

Need a workout buddy who keeps up with your pace and never complains? Meet the Unitree H1! Clocking in at an impressive 3.3 m/s (with the potential to reach 5 m/s), it might not rival top athletes just yet, but give it some time to train. Learn more and try keeping up with this future speedster.

More Videos

Play video background image - video 1
A Video Introducing Unitree H1
Play video background image - video 2
Evolution V2.0 of Unitree H1 Traversing Complex Terrain
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Unitree H1 Doing a Backflip

Learn More

Intro to Unitree H1 Humanoid: Versatility, Agility, and Speed

This remarkable humanoid is not only Unitree's first venture into general-purpose humanoid robots but also a testament to the advancements made in robotics technology. There are videos of the Unitree H1 captivating a worldwide audience by showcasing its versatility and ability to perform a variety of impressive stunts and movements. From running and doing backflips to navigating stairs and maintaining balance even when kicked, the H1 humanoid is designed with advanced capabilities and performance in mind.

The Unitree H1, a full-size universal humanoid robot, is the first of its kind in China to achieve such outstanding performance. It has a height of 180 centimeters and a weight of about 47 kilograms, with an incredible speed of 3.3 meters per second (m/s).

What Makes Unitree H1 Special: Speed, Autonomy, and Advanced Perception

Perhaps one of the most eye-catching features of Unitree H1 is its speed. This humanoid can move at an impressive 3.3 m/s - setting a world record, according to Unitree. But it doesn't stop there; it has the potential to reach up to 5 m/s, outpacing many of its competitors in this regard.

The ability to make a wide range of flexible and adaptable movements with human-like grace and agility is another interesting feature of the H1 humanoid. These movements are possible, in part, thanks to its 5-DoF (Degrees of Freedom) legs with advanced hip, knee, and ankle joints.

But making fancy movements is not of much value if the robot can't perceive and understand its surroundings to carry out meaningful tasks. Thus, the Unitree H1 is equipped with a sophisticated perception system to avoid obstacles and interact with its environment in real-time and autonomously. The system includes a 360-degree depth perception using 3D LiDAR and a depth camera. 

Other Benefits and Features of H1 Humanoid: Power and Endurance

The Unitree H1 weighs approximately 47 kilograms, has a peak torque density of 189 N.m/Kg, and a maximum joint torque of 360 N.m. In addition, the M107 motors developed by Unitree for the joints are efficient and high-performance. These properties translate into exceptional agility, precision, power, and the ability to perform dynamic movements. 

In terms of endurance, the H1 humanoid is equipped with an 864Wh battery, which is quickly replaceable, ensuring extended operation times. 

Market and Applications of Unitree H1

As discussed above, the H1 can traverse challenging, uneven, and complex environments, and has advanced perception capabilities to make sense of its surroundings. These make it a versatile platform that can potentially be used for industrial applications, research and development, search and rescue missions, outdoor assignments, and general home duties.

Although the Unitree H1 is several years away from mass-market availability, with an expected price tag of less than $90,000, it represents a significant investment in the future of humanoid robots.

Brief History

Unitree Robotics was officially founded in 2016 and quickly gained popularity with its impressive legged robots (quadrupeds) that are both cost-effective and high-performance. Their innovative designs captured the attention of media and audiences worldwide. In August 2023, Unitree made headlines again with the introduction of its humanoid robot, Unitree H1. Since then, significant enhancements have been made to the H1. In 2024, Unitree introduced the G1 Humanoid, starting at a price of just $16,000, making humanoids more accessible.

Top 5+ Qualities (by addoobot)

What we find to be the top qualities of Unitree H1 humanoid robot:

  • Impressive Speed: Can move at 3.3 meters per second, with the potential to reach up to 5 m/s.
  • Advanced Mobility: Capable of performing a wide range of flexible and adaptable movements with human-like grace and agility.
  • Sophisticated Perception: Equipped with 360-degree depth perception using 3D LiDAR and a depth camera.
  • High Performance: Features efficient and precise M107 motors built in-house, powerful peak torque density, and long endurance.
  • Autonomous Navigation: Advanced algorithms and systems for avoiding obstacles and interacting with its environment in real-time.

Fun Corner (by addoobot)

Humanoids will take over our world – meanwhile, meet the humanoids of the future ...
A meme about a fat humanoid robot running to loose weight.

Technical Specifications

Max. Size: 570L  220W  1800H (mm)

Max. Size: 22.441L  8.661W  70.866H (in)

Max. Payload: N/A

Weight: 47 kg

Weight: 103.617 lbs

Max. Locomotion Speed: 5 m/s

Max. Locomotion Speed: 16.404 ft/s

Max. Slope: N/A

Battery Operated? Yes

Average Runtime: N/A

Max. Runtime: N/A

Battery Recharge Time: N/A

Locomotion Type: Legs/Walking

DOFs per Arm: 4

DOFs per Leg: 5

DOFs (total): N/A

IP Rating: N/A

Operating Temperature: N/A

Open-source? N/A

Price: N/A

Dimensions: Key Dimensions: (1520+285)mm × 570mm × 220mm • Thigh and Shin Length: 400mm × 2 • Total Arm Length: 338mm × 2

Moving Speed: 3.3m/s (world record), Potential > 5m/s

Peak Torque Density: 189N.m/Kg

Sensors: 360° Depth Sensing: 3D LIDAR + Depth Camera

Controller & Computing: Standard configuration: Intel Core i5(Platform Function), Intel Core i7(User Development) • Optional Configuration: Jetson Orin NX or Intel Core i7

Actuators: Ultimate Torque of Joint Unit: Knee Torque About 360N.m,Hip Joint Torque About 220N.m,Ankle Torque About 45N.m,Arm Joint Torque About 75N.m

Battery: Quickly replaceable • Battery capacity: 15Ah(0.864KWh),Max Voltage 67.2V

No more specs to show.

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Comment by addoobot - Our Perspective

The fact that Unitree managed to rapidly progress from development and testing to showcasing the H1 to the public is something we find truly impressive. Their demonstration of the H1 was far from ordinary, highlighting advanced capabilities such as high-speed and dynamic movements. Additionally, the release of videos showcasing Evolution V2.0 and Evolution V3.0 of the H1 Humanoid further underscores the ability of their team to make rapid and groundbreaking progress in humanoid robotics.

addoorable score:
'addoorable'? We're not entirely sure, but just by looking at it, the Unitree H1 certainly has a sleek design and looks like one of the most lightweight humanoids out there. What do you think about its appearance? Let us know your thoughts below!

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