Research Robots - Arms

Updated: Apr 21, 2024

company logo for FESTO FESTO

Country: Germany

Year created: 2017

Tasks: Maintenance, repair, & scientific experiment in space stations & satellites

Updated: Apr 28, 2024

company logo for GITAI GITAI

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2016

Tasks: human-robot collaboration, Industry 4.0 applications

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

company logo for DLR DLR

Country: Germany

Year created: 2018

Tasks: assist a surgeon, guiding a laser, endoscope guidance, surgery assistance

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

company logo for DLR DLR

Country: Germany

Year created: 2008

Visit the 'Robot Arms' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Flying & Space

Tasks: Explore chemistry and habitability of Titan (Saturn's largest moon)

Updated: Apr 25, 2024

company logo for NASA NASA

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2019

Tasks: flying after wing damage,

Updated: Jul 11, 2023


Country: United States of America

Year created: 2023

Tasks: Safe Aerial Acrobatics in a Flock, transport materials, inspection, ....

Updated: Aug 01, 2023

company logo for FESTO FESTO

Country: Germany

Year created: 2021

Tasks: navigating unstructured environments, search and rescue, aerial surveying

Updated: Jul 08, 2023

Caltech, JPL, Northea…

Country: United States of America

Visit the 'Flying & Space Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Underwater & Aquatic

Tasks: Hydrographic Surveys, Robotics System Development, Scientific Research

Updated: May 14, 2024

company logo for Blue Robotics Blue Robotics

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2023

Tasks: Cement block transport, Autonomous underwater construction, Active ballast

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Dartmouth College

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2022

Tasks: Inspections, Aquaculture, Adventure, Research, Exploration, & More

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

company logo for Blue Robotics Blue Robotics

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2016

Tasks: deep sea exploration

Updated: Aug 07, 2023

Zhejiang University

Country: China

Year created: 2021

Tasks: Underwater exploration and inspection

Updated: Aug 07, 2023

ETH Zurich

Country: Switzerland

Year created: 2022

Visit the 'Underwater & Aquatic Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Climbing

Updated: Mar 05, 2024

Egypt-Japan Universit…

Country: Egypt

Year created: 2019

Tasks: Vertical Ladder Climbing, horizontal-vertical-horizontal transition

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

company logo for TMU TMU

Country: Japan

Tasks: maintenance, inspection, confined space entry, complex structures

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

company logo for CSIRO Data61 CSIRO Data61

Country: Australia

Year created: 2018

Updated: Aug 07, 2023


Country: Japan

Year created: 2018

Visit the 'Climbing Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Humanoids

Tasks: Research and Development, Educational, Experiments

Updated: Jul 26, 2024


Country: China

Year created: 2024

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

company logo for LimX Dynamics LimX Dynamics

Country: China

Year created: 2023

Tasks: Industrial Applications, Manufacturing, Logistics, Dexterous Tasks, & More

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

company logo for Boston Dynamics Boston Dynamics

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2024

Tasks: Research and Development, Whole-Body Mobility, Bimanual Manipulation

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

company logo for Boston Dynamics Boston Dynamics

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2013

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

company logo for DLR DLR

Country: Germany

Year created: 2008

Visit the 'Humanoid Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Wheeled / Tracked

Tasks: Apple Fruitlet Thinning, Measuring Crop Load

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

University of Auckland

Country: New Zealand

Year created: 2023

Tasks: 3D Visual Construction, 3D Models, Robotic Cane Pruning

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

University of Auckland

Country: New Zealand

Year created: 2023

Updated: Jul 24, 2024

University of Auckland

Country: New Zealand

Year created: 2019

Tasks: Lunar Exploration, Lunar Infrastructure Development

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

company logo for GITAI GITAI

Country: United States of America

Year created: 2016

Updated: Aug 25, 2023


Country: United States of America

Visit the 'Wheeled / Tracked Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Legged

Tasks: Research and Development, Testing, Data Collection

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

company logo for LimX Dynamics LimX Dynamics

Country: China

Year created: 2024

Tasks: Research and Development, Wheeled and Legged Locomotion, Complex Terrain

Updated: Jul 01, 2024

Tencent Robotics X Lab

Country: China

Year created: 2021

Tasks: Research and Development, Education and Teaching, Conducting Experiments

Updated: Jul 08, 2024


Country: China

Year created: 2023

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

company logo for Limx Dynamics Limx Dynamics

Country: China

Year created: 2023

Updated: Jul 26, 2024


Country: China

Year created: 2020

Visit the 'Legged Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Exoskeletons

Tasks: restoring lost motor skills

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

company logo for WPI AIM WPI AIM

Country: United States of America

Visit the 'Exoskeleton Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Soft

Tasks: assistive wearables, rehabilitative technologies

Updated: Aug 05, 2023


Country: United States of America

Updated: Aug 06, 2023


Country: United States of America

Tasks: deep sea exploration

Updated: Aug 05, 2023

Zhejiang University

Country: China

Year created: 2021

Tasks: pick and place; manipulate a wide variety of objects and shapes

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

company logo for FESTO FESTO

Country: Germany

Tasks: Grasping, gripping, object manipulation

Updated: Nov 04, 2023

company logo for Harvard Harvard

Country: United States of America

Visit the 'Soft Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Small / Personal

Tasks: Research Platform, Research & Development, Testing & Experiments, Education

Updated: Jul 02, 2024

Monash University

Country: Australia

Year created: 2023

Tasks: Robot Companion, Robot Pet, Research and Development, Education

Updated: Jul 04, 2024

company logo for Xiaomi Xiaomi

Country: China

Year created: 2023

Updated: Jul 22, 2023

company logo for Furhat Robotics Furhat Robotics

Country: Sweden

Year created: 2011

Updated: Jul 12, 2023


Country: United States of America

Updated: Jul 12, 2023


Country: United States of America

Visit the 'Small / Personal Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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Research Robots - Other

Updated: Jul 14, 2024

University of Auckland

Country: New Zealand

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

company logo for DLR DLR

Country: Germany

Tasks: Create and build a humanoid robotic hand, and learn how to program and run

Updated: Jul 06, 2023


Country: N/A

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

company logo for Furhat Robotics Furhat Robotics

Country: Sweden

Year created: 2011

Visit the 'Other Robots' category for more (with filters and other tools).
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