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Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 1 month ago     (Closing on Aug. 18, 2024)

Permanent professorship (W2) for Computer Science

With a specialisation in Robot Manipulation

The Department of Computer Science at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

University of Applied Sciences

Country: Germany

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

Tenured Full Professor position in Robotics for Healthcare Applications

Potential for a cross-appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering

Scholars in areas related to shape-shifting and soft medical devices, such as

wearable, implantable, and transplantable devices

University of Alberta

Country: United States of America

Employment: Full-time

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