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Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 1 week, 1 day ago

AI, control, and multi-robot system for Aerial Physical Interaction

To pioneer the development of the next generation of Aerial Manipulators

Capable of executing complex manipulation tasks in real-world environments

PhD Positions and Master Thesis Positions


Country: France

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 1 week, 5 days ago

PhD student in Vision-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

Automation and Robotics Research Group of SnT of University of Luxembourg

(3+1)-year fully funded position

Partnership project with the Luxembourg-based company GAMMA AR

University of Luxembourg

Country: Germany

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 2 weeks, 5 days ago     (Closing on July 22, 2024  More Info Icon)

In the areas of Interpretable AI (IAI) and Autonomous Decision-Making

Contributions to the emerging field of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)

HRC studies the most effective algorithms to enable robots to

work safely and efficiently alongside with humans in shared spaces

Join multidisciplinary team to further investigate & propose innovative solution

Chalmers Institute of Technol…

Country: Sweden

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago     (Closing on Aug. 20, 2024)

LMM Powered Safe Policy Learning for Field Autonomous Robots

Integrate LMMs’ understanding of field mobile robots’ exteroceptive sensory data

& the outputs of robots’ interoceptive sensors to form world model of the robot

Develop a DRL agent able to map the state of the world model to robot actions

The trained DRL agent aims to achieve zero shot transfer to unseen data

Curtin University

Country: Australia

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 1 month ago     (Closing on July 17, 2024  More Info Icon)

Italian National PhD Program in Autonomous Systems (DAUSY)

For the XL Cycle (triennium Nov 1st 2024 to Oct 31st 2027)

Excellent opportunity for aspiring researchers to pursue advanced studies

Contribute to cutting-edge research in the automation field

Including many scholarships in robotics


Country: Italy

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 1 month ago

3 year PhD position in the THOTH team

Particular will focus on learning behavioural representations for Robot Vision

Estimating human intention to enable collaborative tasks between humans & robots

Such as dynamic handovers between humans and robots


Country: France

Employment: Full-time

Position in Artificial Intelligence (AI)   -   Posted 1 month ago     (Closing on Aug. 12, 2024)

Part of the Beijer Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research

Strong interest in deep learning, image analysis and neural language modeling

Good communication skills, excellent study results, programming proficiency

Conducting fundamental machine learning research and

Developing principled foundations of vision-language models

Uppsala University

Country: Sweden

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago     (Closing on July 10, 2024  More Info Icon)

The studentship is available to start in October 2024

Will be fully funded for at least 3 years

Applications are open to students from anywhere in the world

Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction in School of Computing and Communication

A tax-free stipend at a standard rate of £19,237 per year ...

Lancaster University

Country: United Kingdom

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago     (Closing on June 22, 2024  More Info Icon)

Several 3-year PhD positions, which will be vacant from 1 September 2024

Project 1– Methods & Tools for Searching Robot Data to support Robot Programming

Project 2 – Methods & Tools for Robot Programming mixing Reusable Code and Data

The candidates will participate in research and teaching activities

Within the areas of software and robotics


Country: Denmark

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 2 months ago     (Closing on June 30, 2024  More Info Icon)

PhD position in robot learning and representation learning for 4 years

Application on various robotics problems in area of manipulation & locomotion

Methods deployable across robot embodiments and platforms

Topic areas: Reinforcement Learning, Representation Learning, Robotics

Information Theory, Foundation models for Robotics, Evolutionary Robotics, ...

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 2 months, 1 week ago     (Closing on May 23, 2024  More Info Icon)

Working in social robotics & large language models in cybersecurity applications

Investigate social robots as both a potential vehicle of cybersecurity attacks

and a mechanism to protect users from them.

Explore effect of (LLMs)-powered social robots on user ’s privacy & safety risks

Develop and evaluate new, user-centred mechanisms that leverage social robots...

Uppsala University

Country: Sweden

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago     (Closing on May 23, 2024  More Info Icon)

Interested in developing hardware and control for legged robots

In forestry and agriculture with focus on robustness and energy efficiency

Offering a 4 year funded Ph.D. position in legged robots in natural environments

KU Leuven

Country: Belgium

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Dependable and Deployable AI for Robotic

4-yr PhD jointly offered by Heriot-Watt University & University of Edinburgh

CDT-D2AIR will train students in the latest methods in AI, verification, design

Ensuring that students have the technical skills to develop and deploy safe rob


Country: United Kingdom

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago     (Closing on June 12, 2024  More Info Icon)

Required: degree in robotics, artificial intelligence, computer science,...

Good programming skills in python and/or C++.

An independent scholar who wants to shape research in the field.

An interest in interdisciplinary and collaborative research.

Beneficial: Hands-on experience, Previous research experience, ROS

TU Delft

Country: Netherlands

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

Eco-design of parallel deformable manipulators using plant-based material

Part of the French ANR project PEPR O2R (Flagship project named Organic Robotic)

Fundamentals in Robotics • Fundamental in continuum mech. or material science

Mechanical design and engineering • Prototyping and fabrication

Ability to work in a team and will to participate in the research teams' life


Country: France

Employment: Full-time

Position in Robotics   -   Posted 3 months ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

Current paradigm of fighting imperfections to suppress their “damaging” effects

A rigorous control theory to unleash and ally with imperfections

Perception is central to controlling robot swarms without external assistance

Research will focus on one of these topics:

Perception within the swarm | Swarm perception of the environment

Swarm Systems Lab / Universit…

Country: Spain

Employment: Full-time

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