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Position in Robotics   -   Posted 2 months, 1 week ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

Passivity-aware coordination framework for Open Multi-Robot System (OMRS)

To design a complex and long-term mission on a fleet of quadrotor UAVs

e.g., a long-term surveillance and target-tracking mission

and implement it in simulation and experimentally.

IRISA/Inria Rennes

Country: France

Employment: Full-time, Fixed-term

Position in Robotics and AI   -   Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago     (Job may be closed  More Info Icon)

For theory of mind capabilities for social robots assisting young children

Starting early summer, but late summer or early fall dates may be considered

The project aims to develop algorithms for theory of mind and understand

the perceptions people have of robots with these capabilities

CARES Lab and Franklin & Mars…

Country: United States of America

Employment: Full-time

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